Empowering Vitality

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Working with natural cycles

Natural cycles can be observed in our days, months, seasons, and life; Each broken into 4 distinct phases, each phasing having its own specific focus -  An evolultion from the previous. 

Acknowledging these phases can support you to be more in flow with your own natural cycles, leverage you most active periods, and rest during your least productive time. Not only can we apply these to our daily lives, but our monthly cycle and our life stages naturally reflect them as well.

We commence in spring (morning/childhood), where everything is new and exciting, we explore potential, set our intentions. Each morning we are renewed and ready for a new day; Each month we can work with the new moon, taking time to brain dump all our ideas, goals and desires and explore each potential idea and run with the ones that aligns with our long-term goals and life purpose.

As spring turns into summer, the morning turns into day, we have taken our potential dreams and ideas, refined them and started to flesh them out into a practical plan - Our intentions are taking shape! We can work with the first quarter moon to take action on our plans that we have workshopped;  ironing out all the things that can go wrong - We are ready to go!

Summer winds into autumn, an afternoon of reflection - We can use the waning gibbous moon to look back at what worked, what wil go in the bin, and what will be refined and tried again - This is a state of maturity.

As the day turns into night, autumn enters winter, we enter our old age. This  is our time to relax after our hard work, as a cycle comes to an end. We can work with the waning crescent moon to let go and release the old to make way for the new cycle.